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self indulgent中文是什么意思

用"self indulgent"造句"self indulgent"怎么读"self indulgent" in a sentence


  • 放纵的/任性的


  • You say i am self indulgent ! how about yourself ? it ' s a case of the pot calling the kettle black
  • An innocent louis converts to dorian , a self - centered , self indulgent , self destructive , forever gorgeous , super model
    此后,纯真的louis逐渐变成一个狂莽自大,任性的当红模特儿dorian 。
  • The themes of the fair - self indulgent woman , rebellious vamp , naughty girl , heroines remembered and techno chic conveyed impressively the moods , colors and textures for apparel fabric for the upcoming season
用"self indulgent"造句  
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